Total emerging market equity funds have seen$ 1.4 billion in redemptions for the week ended September 21st, the latest data available from exchanges. 股票交易中心最新数据显示,截至9月21日的最近一周内,新兴市场股票基金共有14亿美元资金净流出。
A day later, Don Tapscott, writing for the Globe and Mail from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, gushed that this was the week university ( as we know it) ended. 第二天,在瑞士达沃斯参加世界经济论坛的唐塔普斯科特在为《环球邮报》撰写的稿件中称,周一到周五的传统教育方式已经走向了终结。
This is the biggest weekly advance since a 16.7 per cent gain in the week ended November 14, 2008. 在截至2008年11月14日的那周内,该指数曾上涨16.7%。
Illusionist David Blaine is in the hospital this morning after his week underwater ended in dramatic fashion, but without a world record for holding his breath. 魔术师大卫?布莱恩今晨结束了一周在水下的风靡一时的戏剧性表演,没有创造新的水下憋气世界记录,却被送进了医院。
Although from time to time after the Qin and Han dynasty rulers advocated revival of attention to or try to shoot ceremony earlier in the week, but they become a mere formality and ended in failure. 秦汉之后历朝虽时有统治者提倡、重视或试图复兴周初的射礼,但都流于形式且以失败告终。